Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Originally uploaded by aeron staen.
They say our brains work in mysterious ways. We sometimes see things that aren't there, or make up sounds in our dreams, yet memories from times past can remain clear in our thoughts, almost as if treasured events happened yesterday. Nobody knows why our minds work the way they do-the human brain is one of the vast uncharted terrotories of scientific discovery-yet it's right under our collective noses. When it comes to the study of the human mind, we remain so close and yet so very distant to true knowledge and understanding.

One thing that is certain though, the artist's fascination with all things abstract. Throughout the years, abstract art has been linked with greatness, mastery, passing fancy, insanity, and almost every point in between. Many artists favor the abstract-it obscures "true" meaning and allows the viewer to impart a sense of purpose to the piece. Some artists say that abstract art actually allows us to remember things that never happened. It works our "inner child" and lets us turn the rules upside down in an attempt at making sense of an otherwise crazy universe.

Regardless of your stance on the abstract, be it "viewer as participant" or "memories yet unseen" abstraction allows the artist to play-to work in a sandbox of shadows and light, to draw with crayons of colors yet unnamed, to bring to life that which isn't really there.

Much like art itself, venturing into the abstract brings point unknown right home to our inner vision.

Text by: Carol Schiraldi
Photo by: Aeron Staen

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Wheel in the Sky

Wheel me round
Originally uploaded by Timothy Neesam.
"...And the wheel in the sky goes 'round...."

What is the purpose of a ferris wheel? Engineering marvel? View from the sky? Carnival ride for the children?

The wheel turns. The clock's hands move. Sand in the hour glass falls. We grow a day older, a day wiser-no longer young and wild, but sensible and melancholy. The wheel turns yet again. The lathe of the heavens spins on the edge of a thin dime.

Everything in the world twists and turns-even the world itself turns on its own axis-how can one possibly stop the spinning madness? But to find the top of a giant wheel in the sky and enjoy a quiet moment, suspended, that's entertainment.

It's one of life's simple pleasures. Enjoy the view.

Text by: Carol Schiraldi
Photo by: Timothy Neesam